Thursday 4 May 2017

My Holiday

WALT... use correct structure for a recount 
This week we had to write a recount on our holidays and what we did. I really like how we got to write about what we did and what we had done. Next time i could work on doing some more descriptive words for me recounts

My Holiday

On Friday night, it was freezing cold but i had to drop of my sister off at Easter Camp at Spencer Park.

First, on Saturday - Monday i spent these days with the family. We went to the movies and watched the fate and furious/fast 8. then we went home to clean the house for a couple of days. Me and my mum picked up my sister from Easter Camp.

Next, we went to Greymouth to spend the five days with Dad, but all he wanted to do is work on his race car so it could be ready for Saturday. He got a huge hit to the rear on the left side, as you know i panicked a lot. So i raced over to him to see if he was all right. Dad went to the ambulance to see what was wrong with his shoulder.

After we got home we had my twin sisters over for the rest of the holidays. On the Thursday i stayed at Lucas’ house for the night. We went to his brothers room to play on his PS4 that he brought. Me and Lucas played Trove and Rocket League but manly Trove. Trove is like Minecraft mixed with Roblox. On Friday morning we took Lucas to the doctors to check up on his foot. When we got home me and Lucas went on the PS4 and played Trove before i had to go home.

T really liked my holidays because i got to see my friend and my sisters.

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