Wednesday 15 February 2017


WALT... identify the meaning of the 5 C's of Leadership. the 5 C's are Courage, Communication, Clarity,  Commitment and Confidence.


  1. Hi Nick, You did a good job at making your thing link visually appealing. I like how you added in the colourful quotes. Next time you could justify what the five c's of leadership are a little more and I also don't know who made this with you. Nice work, keep it up.

    1. Hi Rheanna, i did this all by my self and i will make sure i will do it next time.

  2. Hi Nicholas, really nice image you used for representing Leadership. I also really like how you included an image with the little button. Next time could you add more text? Thanks!

    1. Hi Annabelle, thanks for the comment and i will try and do it with my next thing link

  3. Hi Nicholas,
    I really like how you added those cool images. I also really love how you set out your work. Maybe next time, could you expand on your ideas.

    1. hi Mathan, i can try and do it on my next thing link

  4. Hi Nicholas, I like the way you have presented your work, especially how you can roll over an image. I checked some of the links and they are broken. What were you hoping to show when readers clicked on to the commitment image? I am a little lost on the purpose of this.

    1. Hi Room Three Rockets,
      thanks for your comment it is really helpful, i will try and fix the links on the next on i do but for now thanks.


  5. Hello Nicholas,
    I really love how you set out your work. Maybe next time, could you expand on your ideas.


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